Kofi's Kwips and Kwotes


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Kofi's Kwips and Kwotes

In this regular feature we bust the bubble of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and his buddies by printing their comments on one side of the page and the truth on the other. (Kofi and the truth are rarely on the same side, anyway.)

The U.N. claims to stand for human rights. In fact, their aim is to extend the brutal standards of third world politics and third-world "justice" to the entire world -- including the United States. U.N. institutions and policies would replace our Bill of Rights with a version of "rights" that is far, far weaker in its protection of the individual and far more favorable to the aims of oppressive, socialistic governments.

Read and see the difference between what they say and what they plan to do.

Then please do three other things:

1. When you see one of Kofi's Kwotes, send them on to us for investigation.

2. Send your friends to this page whenever they praise the U.N. in starry eyed ignorance of how its deeds don't match its words.

3. E-mail your comments about the U.N. (including the URL of this page) to any or all of the following:

Kofi's KwoteThe Truth
"The world is flooded with small arms and light weapons numbering at least 500 million, enough for one of every 12 people on earth. Most of these are controlled by legal authorities, but when they fall into the hands of terrorists, criminals and irregular forces, small arms bring devastation. They exacerbate conflict, spark refugee flows, undermine the rule of law, and spawn a culture of violence and impunity. In short, small arms are a threat to peace and development, to democracy and human rights."
(Source: "Small Arms, Big Problem", an essay by Kofi A. Annan, which apperaed in the International Herald Tribune July 10, 2001.)
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has at least 20 bodyguards, all foreign nationals, who illegally import and carry German MP-5 machine guns in New York City.
(Source, News Telegraph.co.uk, February 22, 2002.)
"States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse .... States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse."
(Source The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child Articles 19 and 34.)
After earlier charges of having abused children in third-world nations, U.N. peacekeepers have now been accused of forcing African children to have sex with them in exchange for humanitarian aid.
(Source: The BBC.)
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan called the treaty creating a permanent world court "a gift of hope to future generations and a giant step forward in the march toward universal human rights and the rule of law."
Read his statement here.
The new court, which became effective early in 2002, trashes the Bill of Rights. The accused can't subpoena witnesses. They have no right to confront their accusers. Trials can be held in secret. There is no jury, just a panel of foreign judges. And the judges' decision -- which can be made by a simple majority -- can't be appealed. If they say you go to prison for life, you go to prison for life.

Furthermore, the "crimes" you can be accused of include things like "violating the dignity of an individual" and causing "excessive damage to the environment."

In short, this is exactly the kind of political kangaroo court third-world dictators use to punish opponents. Yet even though the U.S. refused to ratify the treaty and President George W. Bush even rescinded Bill Clinton's signature on it, U.S. citizens -- including U.S. military personnel stationed abroad -- are now under the jurisdiction of this court!

Read more here.

Links to Information About the United Nations

We welcome your suggestions. Please send us any URLs you think we should add to this section.

Gran'pa Jack #5: The United Nations is Killing Your Freedoms!by Richard Stevens & Aaron Zelman -- The easy-to-read booklet that explains in detail how the United Nations, with U.S. government support, has already laid the groundwork to abolish nearly every right protected in our Bill of Rights.

The U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights Notice how many traditional American rights are missing -- and how many sound more like "government rights."

The U.N.'s page on its 2001 Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons In All Its Aspects They want to make sure governments can still get small arms, but that freedom fighters (who may have to buy on the black market) never do.

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