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_Please send me ___copy(s) of Gran 'pa Jack's booklet.
"Gun Control" Kills Kids (Gran'pa Jack#1) 24 pages
_Please send me ___ copy(s) of Gran 'pa Jack's booklet.
"Can You Get A Fair Trial in America?" (Gran 'pa Jack #2) 24 pages
_Please send me ___ copy(s) of Gran 'pa Jack's booklet.
"Common Sense" (Gran 'pa Jack #3) 48 pages
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100 qty $38.00 ppd
250 qty $93.00 ppd
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100 qty $49.00 ppd
250 qty $120.00 ppd
500 qty $210.00 ppd
1000 qty $390.00 ppd
_Please send me ___copy(s) of Gran 'pa Jack's booklet.
"Gun Control" is Racist! (Gran'pa Jack#4) 24 pages
_Please send me ___copy(s) of Gran 'pa Jack's booklet.
The United Nations Is Killing Your Freedoms! (Gran'pa Jack#5) 24 pages
_Please send me ___copy(s) of Gran 'pa Jack's booklet.
Will "Gun Control" Make You Safer? (Gran'pa Jack#6) 24 pages
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100 qty $38.00 ppd
250 qty $93.00 ppd
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100 qty $38.00 ppd
250 qty $93.00 ppd
500 qty $180.00 ppd
1000 qty $350.00 ppd
Option A: One free book with order of 150 or more:
_____The Mitzvah, OR
_____Dial 911 and Die
Option B: Two free books with order of 250 or more:
"Gun Control": Gateway to Tyranny AND
_____The Mitzvah, OR
_____Dial 911 and Die

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