JPFO Alerts


Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027

Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959

July 13, 2000

We Need Summer Soldiers and Sunshine Patriots -- Reno Is On the Loose!

During the summer many firearms owners and defense rights activists take a break from the effort to win the hearts and minds of Americans. Let's face it -- when the weather's warm, it's a great time to spend extra hours with the family or shooting targets, camping, and fishing. So many of us do exactly those things.

Problem is, Janet Reno and Chuck Schumer and Handgun Control Inc. never take a summer break. On July 12 Reno and her groupies announced a campaign using college students to lobby for more anti-self defense laws and victim disarmament policies ("gun control").

Read about their latest nationwide propaganda effort at

Revolutionary War activist Tom Paine urged Americans not to be "summer soldiers and sunshine patriots" -- referring to people who would fight only when it was warm and easy. Tom lived before the era of barbecue and water sports.

We in the liberty movement NEED summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. Right now in the middle of summertime the rights- destroyers are moving forward -- so we have to keep working, too.

Reno and company are passing their lies and deceptions to college students and our neighbors -- but JPFO has just the cure: Gran'pa Jack #6. This new booklet is designed specifically to get the facts to students and working Americans. It's short, easy to read, well-documented. It smashes the most common 21 myths of "gun control."

Make this your Summertime Strategy: Buy 50 copies at the volume price of $20 (postage paid) ... that's just 40 cents a copy ... to get this vital information into the hearts and minds of Americans.

NBC won't do it. Neither will CNN, CBS, ABC, least of all PBS.

JPFO is calling on every supporter to join our Summer Soldier and Sunshine Patriot brigade by sending 50 copies of Gran'pa Jack #6 to every person they can think of. Especially students and young people who will be the victims of Reno's latest moves.

Better yet, imagine this: 1,000 JPFO supporters buying 100 booklets (for just $38 per bundle postage paid) and distributing them. That would mean 100,000 more Americans getting the message they won't get from anyone else.

If you follow the news, you know that now is the time to act. Please click on

For orders of 150 booklets or more, you can get a bonus book -- "The Mitzvah" or "Dial 911 and Die" -- free.

Orders of 250 booklets or more also get "Gateway to Tyranny" -- formerly priced at $19.95 -- as an extra bonus! "Gateway to Tyranny" is a full-sized book that explains how the U.S. Gun Control Act of 1968 was patterned directly after the Nazi Weapons Law of 1938. Using a side-by-side comparison of the two laws, the book confirms the disreputable origins of modern federal "gun control." A shocker!

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance? Well, this is the "eternal vigilance" part. Please take action today.

The Liberty Crew

This Alert archived at

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