JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
April 28, 2000 Huge PR Victory Possible -- Check This!
It's time to score a huge victory for the Bill of Rights -- the people are ripe for the message.
We have a brand new billboard ready to go. Check it out right now.
It's a picture that some people in the US Government absolutely do not want you to see.
This billboard can educate Americans about the real issue of runaway federal government power. All we need to do is get it posted in as many places as possible.
Especially in Miami and surrounding areas.
It's easy to post a billboard in your city or town. JPFO offers the same "matching funds" plan for this billboard as for our "Trigger Locks" billboard. Using matching funds, you can double your or your organization's education-outreach dollars.
To get the details about the matching funds, click on:
These billboards speak to the issues more economically and powerfully -- and to more people in a day -- then any other educational program. It's easy ... act now!
(Option: you can donate funds earmarked for billboards, the matching funds will apply, and JPFO will erect billboards in key cities.)
If you have knowledge and experience with advertising or public relations, or close contacts with people who do, JPFO needs to talk to you. JPFO is evaluating new avenues to get the message out, and would like your input.
Contact JPFO today:
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
Don't let another day pass without taking action!
The Liberty Crew at JPFO
This Alert archived at
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