JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
May 17, 2000 Thank You -- and Keep It Up!
The JPFO Liberty Crew would like to thank the many supporters who have been contacting the media with our message. We have gotten several radio bookings just because supporters made the hosts or producers aware of JPFO and our message.
Do you realize that there were pro-liberty media people who did not even know about the Second Amendment Sisters? We heard from a radio host that he first learned about the SAS from a listener who sent him a copy of the JPFO Alert.
You can help get the truth to all Americans.
Folks, it is real easy. Choose a national or local radio host or commentator, and send e-mails, faxes and letters to that person -- that's all there is to do.
- Make your comments short and polite.
- Let people know what JPFO is doing.
- Send copies of our Alerts and Press Releases.
Use fax, e-mail, or snail mail -- your messages count.
And while you're at it, sending messages to more than one media person or outlet doesn't cost much more time or money -- with fax it's cheap and with e-mail it's practically free.
Here are some ideas to use right away:
1. The victim disarmament lobby and the media are outright lying about the "12 kids per day" killed by misuse of firearms. Get a copy of our alert at -- and send it out.
2. The anti-self defense lobbyists and the media continue to use the term "gun violence" every time they can. Misusing the language is their most powerful tool because even savvy people start using these loaded terms.
Bring this to everyone's attention: There is no such thing as "gun violence" -- just as nobody talks about "pool violence" when someone drowns. Nor did anyone call it "duct tape violence" when a mother literally duct taped her kids' mouths and noses and let them suffocate to death. (See the discussion, paragraphs 5 & 6, at
Ask media people to quit using the term "gun violence" because it is a political term -- guns commit no violent acts ... criminals commit violence against other people. Criminals are willing to hurt or kill their fellow human beings. Without criminals who are willing to hurt other people, firearms cannot harm anyone (except in the very rare instances of accidental misuses).
Check out the Alert section of the JPFO website to get more ideas. Click on
You can even copy those Alerts verbatim and pass them along. Tell media people about our books and booklets and billboards.
It works! And we thank all of the many supporters who have been helping to deliver our message to the newspapers, radio and television outlets across the country. Don't stop!
The Liberty Crew
This Alert archived at
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