JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
June 9, 2000 Is Your Doctor A Spy -- Part 2
Our May 2, 2000 Alert revealed how doctors are now starting to gather information about firearms and their owners as part of the medical history. We shared the experience that one of our supporters had in April during a physical exam.
After our supporter refused to give the firearms information to the doctor, our supporter (the patient) contacted the hospital and lodged a complaint. The hospital has not yet returned with a response to the complaint, but the doctor did react.
By letter dated May 15 to our supporter, the doctor withdrew "from further personal attendance" as his physician. Citing "our differentiating [sic] opinions on how to provide quality care," the doctor abruptly terminated his relationship with our supporter.
Refusing to cooperate with the victim disarmament agenda put the pressure on the doctor, and the doctor ran away from the confrontation. If everyone refuses to give doctors their personal information about firearms ownership, then the doctors will give up this intrusive agenda.
Simple resistance is powerful resistance. And it works when you resist early enough. Just say "no." Just don't give up information and don't voluntarily cooperate with the government informers, be they doctors or anybody else.
The Liberty Crew
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