JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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July 31, 2000 Another Life Preserver Test
JPFO has a small section of reviews and tests of guns and accessories that may be of interest to our members and to the subscribers to the Alerts list. It is called "Life Preserver Buoyancy Testing", and can be found at URL:
The latest addition is "A Detailed Test & Evaluation of the MAS-49/56 .308 NATO Self-Loading Rifle (SLR)" by J. B. Hohlfeld. It is on our website at
This is an interesting article for those of us who have seen these rifles on the surplus racks and wondered about them.
Mr. Hohlfeld is the firearms instructor for Ranger Outreach Center in Pecos, New Mexico and a supporter of JPFO.
The Liberty Crew
This Alert archived at
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