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December 14, 2000 Bill of Rights Day news -- The City of Fort Wright, KY
We've received this message from David Hatter, member of the City Council of Fort Wright, Kentucky:
We used the Rainer resolution as a model and passed it unanimously this evening!
Hopefully at the next Legislative meeting of the KC fiscal court, they will pass it too...
Keep up the good work and I'll keep working with local governments and the KY state government to build support and get it done!
David Hatter, Councilmember
512 General Drive
Fort Wright, KY 41011
606-426-1045"All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" -- Edmund Burke
* * *
Remember, Bill of Rights Day is TOMORROW!
The Liberty Crew
December 15, 1791: Bill of Rights Day. For information on Bill of Rights Day see:
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