JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
January 19, 2001 We Get Letters
Dear JPFO Supporters:
On January 17, we sent out an e-mail Alert regarding the backlash against the Boy Scouts of America by homosexual, lesbian and atheist groups over a US Supreme Court decision of last summer ruling that the Scouts had a Constitutional right to exclude openly homosexual men from being Scoutmasters ( Many subscribers angrily wrote that JPFO had lost its focus on the preservation of the right to keep and bear arms by addressing this politically charged issue, and was endorsing discrimination toward homosexuals in a way that we would find repugnant if the same discrimination was leveled against Jews.
For the record, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership's mission is to effectively kill the concept of gun control and victim disarmament. We have targeted both Jewish and Christian groups for supporting this unconstitutional agenda in the past. The Boy Scouts of America has been an active promoter of firearms safety, responsible firearms ownership and moral values. Political correctness is of no concern to us in our battle. Any individuals or organizations intent on stripping the right of self defense and the preservation of life from the American people will continue to be marked for criticism. We respect no group's political or religious ideology if they stand in the way of our cause.
JPFO is a no-compromise grassroots organization. We will continue to promote the Second Amendment and genuine Judeo- Christian values. If anyone is offended by our very focused position they have the option of using the Un-subscribe link in each and every e-mail Alert that we send.
For those individuals affronted by our Alert of January 17th, 2001, we offer no apologies and will happily remove them from our subscriber base or membership rolls.
Rabbi R. Mermelstein and the Liberty Crew
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