JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
February 18, 2001 Save Money and Help JPFO!
Now it's even easier to save BIG on long-distance phone calls while helping JPFO make money to help protect your rights.
JPFO has its own WorldxChange web site!
In conjunction with WorldxChange, JPFO brings you long-distance rates as low as 4 cents-a-minute, both intra-state and inter- state! Also -- amazingly low international rates!
Every time you use this service, you help JPFO -- and now you can sign up for the service on line.
Many organizations today are using long-distance companies as fundraisers. The only problem with some of them is -- they're expensive to use.
WorldxChange has some of the absolute cheapest rates around, for both business and residential usage.
They also have pre-paid phone cards and discount prices on electronic equipment at the On-Line Store.
Click on the website below, and start saving today! You can sign up for dial-1 service for any of the plans, or you can simply use the handy 10-10 or 10-15 dial-up code (check each plan by clicking on it) before any call you make.
And -- if you want to become an agent for WorldxChange, let JPFO sponsor you! It's only $49 this month -- February -- (regularly $99) and you can sign up on line.
Be sure to share JFPO's WorldxChange web site with as many people as possible!
The Liberty Crew
Are you a member of JPFO? See for information, forms, and links you can use to become a member!
A New Special Offer: If you join JPFO (or renew your membership) for a Two-Year period, we will send you a free JPFO Logo lapel pin, or a Bill of Rights Day lapel pin. See the pin!
New! Gun clubs can become JPFO affiliates for only $40 annual dues. Affiliate with both JPFO and CCOPS at the same time: only $59.95! Call for details. 1-800-869-1884
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