JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
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May 15, 2001 Your Support Pays Off: Landmark JPFO Research Is Common Knowledge
Ten years ago, nobody had the facts showing the connection between government mass murder and "gun control" schemes. People might have talked about it, but it was mostly talk.
Then JPFO published two books: Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny (1993) and Lethal Laws (1994). These two books documented the unmistakable facts showing that the 20th Century's major genocides were made possible by "gun control" laws -- by the system of disarming civilian citizens.
It was suprising how long it took for the pro-self defense "pro- gun" people to digest, understand and use these facts.
But thanks to supporters like you, JPFO continued the campaign to educate Americans about the genocide-"gun control" connection. And the work is paying off. Other pro-gun and pro-liberty organizations are starting to incorporate these facts into their arguments. These truths are becoming common knowledge -- that is a major step toward changing hearts and minds.
For a fine example of how to cite and use these facts, read Brad Edmonds' article on entitled "Why you need guns: the bottom line."
Click on:
We salute Mr. Edmonds for helping to get the message out.
You and others who support the unalienable right to keep and bear arms can use these facts -- JPFO makes it easy with the Gran'pa Jack booklet No. 1 (provocatively titled "Gun Control Kills Kids") which lays out the facts and sources you need. Following Mr. Edmonds' example, you can write short letters to the editor, members of the media, government officials, etc., and give them the facts.
By joining and supporting JPFO and using the JPFO tools, you can help us to keep broadcasting the life-saving truth about private self-defense and the mortal danger faced by a disarmed citizenry. The work is paying off -- let's keep the momentum!
The Liberty Crew
P.S. A new book on this subject is in the works ... stay tuned!
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