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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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July 23, 2001 Catch Them In A Whopping Big Lie -- U.N. Style
Have you got a friend or relative who thinks maybe the Million Misguided Moms had some valid points to make ... or maybe they had their "hearts in the right place"?
Here is a quick "gotcha" you can use. It is a quote directly from Mary Leigh Blek, representative of the Millon Mom March organization, when she spoke last week at the United Nations "Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All its Aspects."
Ms. Blek said:
"The gun lobby has been talking for 40 minutes. During that time, 40 people have died from the use of small arms and light weapons in this country. That figure, not the statement of those representatives, is further proof that this country is at war."
Do the math: 1 person per minute x 60 minutes per hour x 24 hours per day x 365 days = 525,600 people per year.
Fact is, misuse of firearms in homicide, suicide and accidents, accounted for a total of 35,673 deaths in 1997. Less half of these deaths were homicides. Source: National Safety Council, Injury Facts: 2000 Edition, at 10, 117. (
The MMM representative, Ms. Blek, attempted to mislead the world conference by overstating the count of homicides by 2600 percent. Even counting the accidents and suicides in her favor, Ms. Blek exaggerated by 1400 percent.
This error was not a minor goof or a decimal point shift problem. Such an outright misstatement of facts (made in writing, when the undisputed truth is known) must be a deliberate lie. The MMM counts on newsmedia and other uninformed people to accept the quoted statistics without checking -- most people naturally assume that "nobody would lie publicly about something so easy to verify."
Use this fact with those folks who have been believing the MMM to be "a group of women just trying to protect their children from harm." We can't speak for all the members, but the leadership is willing to lie grossly to a high-profile world conference to further their anti-self defense agenda. Now you have hard proof ... in their own words.
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