JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
October 9, 2001 A Message from Aaron Zelman
Dear JPFO Alert Subscribers:
On October 7th, 2001, JPFO tried something new. We sent out an article by an Israeli politician, Moshe Feiglin, that many described as racist, bigoted, and hateful. I tried using unusual wording to evoke a response. Frankly, this kind of creativity was not appreciated and can be best described as a total screw- up. As Executive Director, I accept all responsibility.
Our unstated purpose was to gauge the mood of the public concerning our war against terrorists. Fortunately over 80% disagreed with Mr. Feiglin's political comments. What we did not plan on was that the possibility of a few of our subscribers thought JPFO was abandoning the Bill of Rights or making some radical change in policy.
JPFO is more focused on the preservation of ALL of the Bill of Rights for ALL citizens than most folks realize. We have vigorously promoted Bill of Rights Day, December 15th, and at great expense created the entire series of Gran'pa Jack freedom booklets. No other groups to my knowledge have more aggressively promoted the Bill of Rights more than JPFO.
We used the comments of an Israeli politician to create a response. We have heard these types of comments from Americans who, for many reasons, harbor the same resentments and attitudes. We must realize we are not just in a bombs and bullets war; if only it were that simple. Cultural differences, and especially the hatred of freedom by our enemies, is a large part of their desire to destroy freedom as we have known it.
JPFO is working on new and exciting projects that will directly advance the cause of destroying "gun control", promoting self- defense, and encouraging Americans to have a zero tolerance for the loss of our freedoms. More information about these efforts will come very soon.
In the future, when we want to gauge the mood of the public, we will do it in a clearly stated format (a poll) so as to avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your continued support in our efforts to destroy "gun control" and preserve ALL of the Bill of Rights.
Yours for Liberty,
Aaron S. Zelman
Executive Director
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