JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
October 19, 2001 Unpopular Speech Proves Popular
Recently, JPFO released an article by Moshe Feiglin that outraged some people.
I thought I had made a mistake, only to learn after apologizing for releasing Mr. Feiglin’s article that the majority of those receiving our e-mails finally spoke out. After reviewing all the e-mails, over 55% found Mr. Feiglin’s comments thought provoking and took me to task for being swayed by a few folks who, early on, voiced their displeasure. A sizeable number of our supporters emphatically stated – "No apology needed". Many also asked, "Isn’t a difference of opinion still allowed in America?" Isn’t ALL of the Bill of Rights for ALL citizens still viable? Indeed it is.
Commencing with this alert, JPFO has added a new page to our website. It is named, "Unpopular Speech":
New postings will be announced with a brief overview. If you wish to read the article, go to the listed URL. Differing opinions will be added when available.
Speech viewed as unpopular by the British Government was the catalyst for our Revolution. America is a better country for all since unpopular speech was meant to be protected. JPFO plans to carry on our great American tradition.
We must use our First Amendment weapon as much as we can, as often as we can, and whenever we can -- while we still have the opportunity to do so.
Yours for Liberty,
Aaron S. Zelman
Executive Director
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