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November 17, 2001 WTC Hijackers Obeyed Our Laws Until-
by Don Hull
The U.S. Government's response to the 9/11 attacks has been much like a hand grenade, exploding in all directions at once in order to (hopefully) catch the perpetrators or make new laws that will prevent future terrorism.
But even a cursory analysis of the hijackers' behavior reveals that the political class still fails to recognize the ONE ACT OF DEFENSE that could have PREVENTED the hijackings, and to implement the proper remedy.
The hijackers apparently obeyed all of our laws- until the final moment when they took over the planes.
They immigrated LEGALLY. They lived within the law, renting apartments and motels, and paying their bills. They even got Social Security Numbers and credit cards. And they passed successfully through the airport checkpoints. So the INS, DMV, banks and credit agencies, and airport screeners, are NOT to blame for the 9/11 disaster. The hijackers also PAID for their own tickets, so the AIRLINES are not to blame.
By obeying our laws, the hijackers made themselves INVISIBLE.
So where did the breakdown come?
The pilots are the LAST LINE OF DEFENSE against a hijacking. They are at the controls and must be captured, overcome, or neutralized.
Once everyone is on-board, the doors shut, and the craft underway, everyone is at the mercy of any person(s) on-board who is willing to initiate aggression against others.
Fortunately, pilots and crews just want to do their jobs. And passengers just want to reach their destinations. So there is seldom any conflict.
But this time, a small group of dedicated terrorists, trained in stealth and cunning, and "armed" only with knives, but filled with intense determination, had a clear field of operation because everybody else had been disarmed.
Thus the one act of defense that could have prevented the hijackings is ARMED RESPONSE by the pilots, crew and/or passengers.
They were NOT armed, because of FAA policy. Thus the FAA is the one single, solitary culprit that deserves the final blame for the hijackings and subsequent catastrophe.
FAA officials who implemented the 'no-arms' policy, should all be FIRED, then charged with dereliction of duty, manslaughter, and violation of the crew's and passengers' 2nd Amendment rights.
The FAA, an unconstitutional agency anyway, should be PRIVATIZED asap and taken away from the government.
Pilots should be armed. Crew members should likewise have tools of self-defense, whether they be guns, scissors or letter openers. And passengers should be allowed defensive tools, as well.
The current policy of disarming people to the point of confiscating knitting needles, fingernail clippers and umbrellas, is insanity squared and cannot possibly prevent a repetition of 9/11. Writing more laws won't catch future terrorists, either, because they will just obey those laws, too-until they are ready to act.
Even if government were competent, it couldn't protect everyone everywhere all the time. Each of us needs to be able to protect ourselves. We have a moral right to self-preservation.
Instead of conquering the government, let the terrorists try to conquer 200 million individuals.
The 2nd Amendment needs to be recognized IN THE AIR as well as on the ground.
Don Hull
Costa Mesa, CA*****
Mr. Hull submitted this article for the JPFO Unpopular Speech page at
He was a Libertarian Candidate for Congress in 1998, 2000.The Liberty Crew
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