JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
December 23, 2001 JPFO Year End Progress Report
We are pleased to report many accomplishments for the calendar year 2001, and we thank you, our supporters, for making it all possible.
Here’s just a brief summary:
1) Published Dr. Sarah Thompson's breakthrough essay entitled "Raging Against Self Defense: A Psychiatrist Examines The Anti-Gun Mentality". This essay is perhaps the only serious effort to examine the mindset of gun prohibitionists, going beyond "gun phobia" and showing the distorted psychological processes that make them tick. Dr. Thompson also presents great techniques to get past the psychological barriers. Must reading! Click on Followed up with Gran'pa Jack #7, entitled "Do Gun Prohibitionists Have a Mental Problem?" This comic-style booklet puts Dr. Thompson's work into easy-reading form that everybody can use and understand. Click on Published Hope, the fast-paced pro-Bill of Rights novel by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith. Hope shows what it might be like in a not too distant future America, where citizens no longer fear the government. Hope was awarded the "Freedom Book of the Month" designation for August 2001 by Free-Market Net.
For reviews and info about the book award, click on
To learn more about Hope, click on Published Death by "Gun Control": The Human Cost of Victim Disarmament -- the book David Kopel described as "one of the best books ever written about the right to keep and bear arms." Hard-hitting, handy and easy-to-use. Click on Book project, due for publication in mid-January -- The State vs. the People: the rise of the American police state, by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman. Nobody has assembled as much compelling information showing how we, like the proverbial frog, are being slowly boiled -- how our fight for freedom is getting harder while most Americans snooze. Stay tuned!
To see the cover, click on Continued support for Bill of Rights Day celebrations.
One of our supporters told the story about how he and others were handing out Gran'pa Jack booklets at a library. The librarian told them to leave; they countered with "call the police"; she did; the police came ... and left without disturbing the peaceful assembly of BORD celebrants. Victory!
For more info on the national BORD phenomenon, click on Published via WorldNetDaily a thought piece discussing how so many Jews support "gun control." Not a single pro-gun control organization disputed the JPFO position. Click on Published "A Blue Print to Destroy 'Gun Control'" by L. Neil Smith and Aaron Zelman. Principled. Thought-provoking. And quite workable! Click on Installed the new, on-line "Unpopular Speech" page. It's gaining in popularity, and provides a lot of free intellectual ammo! Click on Processed over 530,000 hits on the JPFO website since July 2, 1999 -- about 220,000 since Jan 1, 2001!These are just the first ten items that come to mind. We’ve continued the regular monthly column in Shotgun News, and Rabbi Mermelstein has delivered cyber-reams of his wisdom and advice on rights and reloading! There is much more.
We can only do these things and more with your support. Your membership dues and your contributions to JPFO advance our work -- and they are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Get the tax deduction for the year 2001 by joining, donating, or both before January 1, 2002. Remember, you don’t have to be Jewish to join and support JPFO! We appreciate your support will continue to work hard to destroy “gun control” and preserve our precious Bill of Rights.
Yours for Freedom,
The Liberty Crew
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Check out the Bill of Rights Pistol following Bill of Rights Limited Edition Pistols have been sold and are no longer available:
Standard BoR Commemorative: Proof, #1, #10, #35, #64, #82, #100
JPFO BoR Commemorative: #1, #2, #18, #100
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