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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027

Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959

February 20, 2002

Momentum is Building for New Book

Ron Smith, long time talk host at WBAL AM 1090 in Baltimore, featured our new book Death by "Gun Control" in a radio interview on February 20. Mr. Smith also wrote a commentary about the subject. He has written a beautifully crisp and powerful piece about the fundamental right to keep and bear arms and ties it into the new book.

Just one page, short and to the point. Read it at:

Mr. Smith has been a stalwart voice for our fundamental rights for years. Check out some of his other columns while you're at the website.

On the website, on the Ron Smith page, there is a link to JPFO's website, too.

The Liberty Crew

More on Death by "Gun Control"

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