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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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January 14, 2003 DIAL 911 AND DIE: In L.A., It's Official Police Policy!
If you ever thought the book title, Dial 911 and Die is too inflammatory, or that it is a figure of speech and not really true, then kindly read this report from Reuters news service:
Excerpt: "Police in Los Angeles have settled on a new way of handling those pesky burglar alarms that take up so much of their time. They will now ignore them -- unless someone can prove that there is a genuine emergency."
In any state in the U.S., and in the territories, you can use our book, Dial 911 and Die, and this latest news from the Los Angeles Police Department, to open eyes, hearts and minds to the reality. We as citizens are truly on our own. The government owes no legal duty to protect you and your family - it is your job.
If the government takes away your tools to protect your family, then the government is making you a victim ... a victim whom the government has no duty to even try to protect.
Does this reality help you understand why we oppose all forms of victim disarmament (aka "gun control")?
Get the article because it is current news -- and the get the book to make the larger point to Americans everywhere. Now is a good time to strike!
Find Dial 911 and Die at
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