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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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February 13, 2003 Is "Bowling For Columbine" More Important Than "Innocents Betrayed"?
The inevitable has happened. Michael Moore's anti-firearms propaganda film, "Bowling for Columbine," has been nominated for an Oscar as best feature-length documentary.
No documentary film within memory has generated such acclaim. "Bowling for Columbine" was the first documentary admitted to the Cannes Film Festival in 46 years. At Cannes, it received a special jury prize and a 13-minute standing ovation. It has gone on to win a slew of "best documentary" and "special audience award" prizes at film festivals. It even ended up being named as "Best Documentary of All Time" in a poll of 2000 documentary filmmakers around the world.
It will probably win the documentary Oscar, too. Despite the fact that it's not actually a documentary at all.
If "documentary" means "a factual presentation," "Bowling for Columbine" is anything but. The very title reflects one of Moore's many false claims: that the Columbine High School killers were so casual about their deeds that they went bowling just before committing mass murder. It never happened.
Many writers all across the political spectrum have spelled out the numerous errors, deliberate falsehoods, and illogical conclusions in the film. One of the most concise accounts of Moore's falsities can be found in Ben Fritz' article "Viewer Beware"
Read that article to get a good idea of just how many facts Moore had to bend to make his "guns are bad" point. Another critic dismissed the production as "an editorial on film," rather than an attempt to relate the truth.
Moore himself is quite untroubled by his own distortions. And why not? As he said when an interviewer earlier pointed out inaccuracies in one of his books, "How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?"
And comedy is what this film is. Moore is a stand-up comedian who uses the world as his stage and exploits tragedy as his material. He is a sardonically funny man, and his movies are entertaining, even for those who don't understand the issues.
And that's what's so tragic. Because they are so entertaining, Moore's movies are also highly influential. And worse, they influence people without conscious thought. Moore himself has stated that only about 20 percent of his viewers will ever examine the issues behind "Bowling for Columbine." The other 80 percent -- victims of government education and a lifetime of anti-gun media propaganda -- will simply absorb Moore's distortions and BELIEVE EVERY ONE OF THEM.
"Bowling for Columbine" cost $3.2 million to make -- that's more than 32 times what JPFO has been able to raise for our documentary, "Innocents Betrayed."
According to "The Numbers," a Web site that tracks the box office take of movies, "Bowling for Columbine" has also earned more than $18 million, so far.
That is, in just four months since its theatrical release, this piece of anti-gun propaganda has earned MORE THAN FIVE TIMES its production cost. If it wins the Oscar, it'll get yet another financial boost.
Well, that's what happens when you have the worldwide acclaim of the intellectual and artistic elite. And that's $18 million + that will help Moore and his backers produce more distorted, anti-freedom --but no doubt highly entertaining -- works.
Think what JPFO or other freedom-movement groups could do with $18 million, or $3.2 million, for that matter.
But sadly we don't have that kind of support. Money flows to the left from corporations, governments, foundations, and wealthy individual donors. The victim-disarming left is buying public opinion with its millions.
Meanwhile, too many people on our side think that freedom is free.
The problem isn't just Moore or the fools in Hollywood who want to give him an Oscar. Moore is merely the tip of the iceberg. Moore is the little brushfire that Second-Amendment supporters are fighting while an armored column of tyrannical power is about to roar into view.
Do you believe that your gun rights will survive the liberal onslaught? Even if you imagine that George W. Bush will actually protect your Second Amendment rights for the next few years, do you believe your right to own and use guns will never become a casualty in the War on Terrorism or the War on "Gun Violence" -- or whatever ruthless power grab this or any future administration gets up to? And when they government moves in -- WHEN, not if -- they'll do it with the full support of the American people, who've been taught -- by men like Michael Moore -- that taking away our ability to defend our lives is GOOD.
Unlike "Bowling for Columbine," "Innocents Betrayed" is an authentic -- and important -- documentary. "Innocents" tells the authentic story of what happens when men like Michael Moore get their wish and firearms are taken out of citizens' hands.
Unlike "Bowling for Columbine," "Innocents Betrayed" is being produced on something smaller than a shoestring -- while, remember, Moore's millions are being spent to make you helpless.
We're grateful for all you donors out there who've helped us get this far. With the money we've received, we're producing an astonishingly good film that's been praised by everyone who's seen the in-progress segments of it. Because of your help, we're aiming to have this film produced by May 1.
But with 1/32nd of Michael Moore's resources, it's truly David against Goliath. "Innocents Betrayed" needs more. FREEDOM needs more. YOUR RIGHTS need more. We must use the power of motion-picture media, just as our enemies do, to win hearts and minds.
DO SOMETHING TO STOP THE VICTIM-DISARMAMENT ONSLAUGHT. Make a financial commitment to finish "Innocents Betrayed." Make a commitment to help us get distribution for the completed film. Pledge your dollars to prevent genocide. Show the world that Michael Moore's deadly viewpoint isn't the only one that people are willing to support.
And just in case we haven't been clear enough in that last paragraph: PLEASE SEND MONEY!
If you don't want to do it for JPFO or for some abstract idea of freedom: DO IT FOR YOURSELF. Think as selfishly as you can. Send money to invest in YOUR future, in YOUR freedom, YOUR guns, and YOUR right to own them.
Go to and say, "Take that!" to Michael Moore.
The Liberty Crew
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