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May 1, 2003 Bipartisan BOHICA
Yesterday the Liberty Crew sent an alert in which we referred to the Clinton "assault weapon" ban.
One astute reader pointed out that, like so many other thefts of freedom, this particular BOHICA was truly bipartisan.
Two facts to consider:
- Clilnton, Schumer, Feinstein, and their gun-prohitibionist allies in Congress weren't the first to ban useful semi-auto rifles and pistols. They were inspired by George Bush, Sr., who earlier (mis)used his executive order power to ban importation of many similar weapons.
- The ban on high-capacity magazines that was part of the 1994 crime bill (the bill that gave us the "assault weapons" ban) was also not originated by Democrats. It was the brainchild of firearms manufacturer Bill Ruger and was first supported by -- yes, President George Bush, Sr.
The complete story on these developments, "William B. Ruger, Sr.'s Nasty Little Secret," by Dean Speir, is very well worth reading. You can find it here: never forget: BOHICA is SOP for politicians, no matter what their party. We can't expect any different from them. It's up to US to change the culture. Only that way can we truly make the BoR our SOP in the USA.
(BOHICA reference: Liberty Crew
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