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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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June 3, 2003 Visualize World Gun TaxesFrance Makes It Official
People say, "it can't happen here."
But what happens when "it" happens globally?
Visualize World Gun Taxes.
It's not just a bumper-sticker idea anymore.
Read the whole story at WorldNetDaily:
Then ask yourself: which organization is developing a documentary film that can affect the hearts and minds of people all over the world ... a film that gives people in every nation the most compelling reasons to fight national and international "gun control" schemes ... like Global Gun Taxes?
The organization: JPFO
The film: Innocents Betrayed
Nobody else is doing it. Join ushelp ussupport us to make Innocents Betrayed a "hit" not just in the USA, but worldwide.
Before the Global Tax Man comes.
The power to tax is the power to destroy. Imagine gun taxes being imposed like the tobacco taxes are nowwith the aim of taxing the users out of existence.
Sowe need to thinkactfightglobally.
Click on
Watch the introductory clip.
Add your financial support for Innocents Betrayed today. (It's tax deductible, too.)
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