JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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October 20, 2003 Beware:
Some "Humanitarian" Organizations are Enemies of HumanityThis holiday season, you'll be receiving dozens of appeals from charities and humanitarian organizations. Their letters will contain heart-breaking photos, touching stories, and inspiring tales about the help these organizations have given to the helpless.
They'll also be asking for your money, of course.
STOP. Before you put that check in the mail, send that charity a letter, instead. JPFO has prepared two sample letters, which you'll find at Just fill in the name of the charity, sign your own name, and send the letter off. Don't give a dime until you receive a reply.
Why a letter instead of a check? To find out whether that "humanitarian" organization supports the basic human right of self-defense.
It's sad but tragically true that many "humanitarian" organizations actually want people to be helpless. They support "gun control." They want to disarm everyone. Or they want only a privileged and well-connected few to have weapons. In their minds, the rest of us should be left at the mercy of any criminal or criminal government that wants to abuse us.
Don't give your money to anyone who wants you helpless.
The enemies of firearms aren't humanitarian. The enemies of firearms are the enemies of human life.
You can see this clearly in the film Innocents Betrayed, which shows how "gun control" has helped lay the groundwork for major genocides. (
By all means, send your holiday contributions to organizations that truly want to help human beings. But be smart. Be free. Be well-armed with information.
Don't support those who want to destroy youand use our sample letters to tell them why they won't get a dime from you:
While you're on the JPFO Web site, take a look at the latest endorsements for Innocents Betrayed
( The enthusiasm keeps mounting for this world-changing film.
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