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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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December 30, 2003 Paul and Shirley Degener: The Bill of Rights in The Heartland
Have you heard your fellow freedom lovers saying, "One person can't do much," or, "It's useless; nobody pays attention"? Or have you perhaps made those excuses yourself for not taking action to protect and promote all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens?
Well, here's some inspiration for you. This year, Paul and Shirley Degener of Topeka, Kansas, decided to promote Bill of Rights Day in their community. Using their own ingenuity and free online materials provided by JPFO
they succeeded in raising Bill of Rights consciousness for thousands of people.
Go to our Web site
to learn what Paul and Shirley tried and what they accomplished.
Do the Degeners' efforts instantly make America more free? No. But if one couple can get the word about the Bill of Rights out to this wide an audience, then just think what the members of your gun club could do ... or members of your local libertarian club ... or your freedom-loving youth group.
If 1,000 more people would do what the Degeners did, and if only a small percentage of those who hear about Bill of Rights Day take the message to heart ... we will change this country from one that blindly follows politicians to one in which educated people defend their own rights and respect the rights of others.
Thank you, Paul and Shirley Degener! With a few thousand more like you, we'll see freedom's light again.
If anyone else reading this message has done something similar, let us know. We'd love to post more inspiring Bill of Rights success stories.
The Liberty Crew wants to thank all of you for your support during the year. If you'd like to make one more tax-deductable donation to JPFO you can do it online before 2004 at
May the year 2004 bring all of us peace and freedom from fear of government.
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