JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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January 1, 2004 A personal message from Aaron Zelman:
Dear JPFO supporters:
For many weeks now, the organization We the People has listed me as a confirmed speaker on a Second-Amendment panel at their "Give Me Liberty" conference, scheduled for later this month.
Several of you have written to say you plan to be there to hear me. But something is very wrong. I NEVER agreed to speak at this conference. When conference organizer Bob Schultz requested me to speak, I merely said I would give it some thought.
The next thing I knew, my name was being used without my consent in conference publicity. For more than two weeks now, I have tried to get We the People to remove my name from its promotions. I have made repeated requests. At least three JPFO associates or friends have also informed Bob Schultz or his colleague Devvy Kidd that I will not be at the conference and that I do not permit my name to be falsely used. Yet as of this morning, We the People continues to list me as a confirmed speaker.
I now have no choice but to make a public announcement. I will not be at the conference, and I never planned to be at the conference. Some other "invited speakers" are also not going to be there and did not even know their names were being promoted. If you plan to attend the conference, I urge you to get an accurate list of confirmed speakers.
Now it's time to put this behind me. My weeks-long attempt to end this misrepresentation has taken time and energy that could be better spent getting the word out about the life-changing value of our documentary Innocents Betrayed.
Let us hope the new year puts an end to this completely unnecessary distraction from the important work of preserving our right to self-defense.
Best wishes for freedom from fear of government in 2004,
Aaron Zelman
Executive Director
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
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