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January 27, 2004 Thumbs UpAnd Thumbs Down, Let's Send a Message to ABC'S John Stossel
Thumbs Up:
John Stossel has long been one of the few voices of liberty and reason in the mainstream media. His ABC News specials and 20/20 segments have consistently taken strong positions for the Bill of Rights.
On January 23, Stossel did a special, "Lies, Myths and Downright Stupidity: Stossel's List of Popularly Reported Misconceptions." It was a good show, in which this crusading libertarian busted all manner of myths from "Getting cold can give you a cold" to "Republicans shrink the government" and "The rich don't pay their fair share of taxes."
Myth #3 was "Guns are bad."
In his published commentary, based on the broadcast, Stossel said, "Some maximum security felons I spoke to in New Jersey scoffed at measures like the Brady law. They said they'll have no trouble getting guns if they want them. A Justice Department study confirmed what the prisoners said. But get this: the felons say that the thing they fear the most is not the police, not time in prison, but, you, another American who might be armed."
It's great to finally hear that simple truth in the mainstream media.
You can read John Stossel's gun commentary here:
Thumbs Down:
Unfortunately, Stossel went on to promote the "virtues" of concealed carry laws, saying:
"[M]any states are passing gun un-control. They're allowing citizens to carry guns with them; it's called concealed carry or right to carry. Some women say they're comforted by these laws.
"Many people are horrified at the idea of concealed carry laws, and predict mayhem if all states adopt these laws.
"But surprise, 36 states already have concealed carry laws, and not one reported an upsurge in gun crime."
While Stossel is 100 percent right that concealed carry does not increase crime (and he could have added that it decreases violent crime), we hotly disagree that "allowing" citizens to carry guns is "gun un-control."
Concealed carry permits are simply another, and more insidious, form of government control of arms.
Mr. Stossel needs to read JPFO's article "The 'Good' News, the Bad News, and the Truth About Concealed Carry Permits." (
This article makes it clear that government-issued permits "allowing" people to bear arms are an infringement on fundamental rights. You have a right to defend your life. That's G-d's* law. Permitsa revocable privilege from the statereplace G-d's law with man's law. Second, permits are a dangerous form of "gun-owner registration."
Mr. Stossel also needs to view our video documentary, "Innocents Betrayed," which shows how even such "reasonable" measures as permits help enable genocide. The prospective victims report themselves as being gun owners. Then when the time comes, the genocidal government knows exactly where to go to confiscate all civilian arms. (
Let Stossel Know You Care
Send e-mail to Mr. Stossel using the following address:
Use that address to write John Stossel a letter. Thank him for his program and his long-time defense of liberty and common sense. But please tell him that, when it comes to firearms and the right to self-defense, he needs more information.
Use your own words ("canned" messages aren't as effective). But a good letter might go something like this:
Dear Mr. Stossel,
Thank you for your excellent myth-busting program last Friday nightand for all the work you've done for liberty over the years.
But next time you cover the subject of guns, I hope you'll take a different look at concealed carry permits. Having to get a government permit to defend ourselves isn't "gun un-control." It's just a different form of gun control. Permits seem like an advance in the short term, but in the long run, they could be very dangerous.
After all, every permit is a form of "gun-owner registration." Should the day come when a government wants to confiscate firearms, the concealed carry permit database will tell them who has the guns.
I urge you to read the article "The 'Good' News, the Bad News, and the Truth About Concealed Carry Permits" by Aaron Zelman. (
Then please get a copy of the video documentary, "Innocents Betrayed." ( This film shows very clearly how "reasonable gun control laws"including permits to carryhave been used to help enable genocide all around the world.
Governments have no business deciding whether peaceful people should be armed. Self-defense is the first law of nature.
I look forward to your future programsespecially the program in which you advocate a the free and unfettered right to bear arms (as is now practiced in Vermont and Alaska).
(Your name)_______
* We spell G-d in this way because it's against Jewish tradition to speak or write the name of the Creator outside of sacred settings.
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