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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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February 25, 2004 Firearm Collectors: Own a One-of-a-Kind Custom Bren MK-2SA
And be a Second Amendment leader at the same time
More than a 100 buyers are on a waiting list to purchase a custom-made Bren MK-2SA semi-automatic rifle from Historic Arms, LLC of Franklin, Georgia. But you don't have to wait.
Historic Arms has created a one-of-a-kind Bren especially for JPFO. Thanks to their generosity, we're auctioning it NOW at Auction Arms:
This modern, semiautomatic version of the famous Bren machine gun will help us raise funds to promote the life-changing, pro-gun documentary film Innocents Betrayed.
This hand-made gun bears a commemorative stamp honoring Innocents Betrayed and a special serial number "14-JPFO" ("one for JPFO"). Better yet, it comes with a package of fabulous bonus items worth hundreds of dollars.
YOU HAVE UNTIL MARCH 7, 2004 to bid on this unique, fully functional collector's firearm.
To see the complete description of the gun and its bonus items, go to the auction site:
or go to JPFO's own Bren page:
This unique firearm can be yours. But don't delay. And don't be outbid. Help JPFO and help yourself at the same time by winning this great, historic rifle.
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