JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
April 18, 2004 Yes, You Really Can Fire A Powerful Silver Bullet
"No silver bullet" is a phrase we hear a lot these days (particularly when the government is making excuses for its failures to keep us safe from murderers).
But there are a few genuine silver bullets in the worldsimple tools that can solve major problems. Some important sources are picking up on one of those remarkable tools.
In a full-page article in the May 2004 issue of Guns & Ammo, Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne Eisen write:
"The fact that genocides have only been successfully perpetrated against unarmed civilians cannot be overstated. 'Innocents Betrayed' will knock the wind out of any claim that the world will be safer when all civilians are disarmed.
"This stunning, one-hour video (or DVD) has the power to reshape one's view of government monopoly of force and the responsibility citizens must exercise in order to preserve themselves."Yes, Innocents Betrayed is a Silver Bullet
Or it can be if we use it right.
The NRA continues to recognize the power of Innocents Betrayed. After a two-page writeup in a recent edition of their magazine America's First Freedom, the NRA's American Rifleman has now publicly congratulated JPFO on its effective documentary.
Innocents Betrayed is also a nominee for the 2003 Miss Liberty Film and TV Awards ( In fact, it's one of three finalists; results will be announced in early summer.
Most important of all, we continue to get e-mail after e-mail containing basically the same message: "I showed Innocents Betrayed to my anti-gun [neighbor, wife, mother, doctor, friend] and that person instantly became pro gun."
What Does this have to do with You?
How much time have you spent over the years, fighting "gun control"? How much money have you blownsupporting ineffective groups, writing letters, traveling to marches, buying literature, donating to political campaignsin hopes of turning the anti- gun tide? How much have you spent and spent and spentwith absolutely nothing to show for it?
Well, now you can spend a mere $29.95 and dramatically accomplish something. Buy the tape. Show the tape. Buy the DVD. Play the DVD. Play it for friends, civic groups, professional groups, relatives, city officials, state legislators ... for everyone you know who should care about freedom.
And be amazed.
Yes, Innocents Betrayed is a silver bullet. It can instantly cure the ignorance, prejudice, propaganda, and pseudoscience that have been destroying our self-defense rights for so many years. It does that by going straight to people's heart (while still respecting their minds) with powerful images and facts.
This is no ordinary product we're trying to get you to buy. This is the tool that can end the deadly falsehood of "gun control"if only enough people view it.
This is a lifesaver. And a time- and money-saver that can literally free up your life, if you show it to people. Innocents Betrayed can be your silver bullet. And you can be a heroic Lone Ranger, using this tool to wipe out evil.
We urge you not to tune out this message. It might be the most important message you ever hearif you really want to do something effective for the world's safety and your own right to self defense.
Buy your copy of Innocents Betrayed today:
Buy two. Buy three. Use them. And defeat the forces of darkness and death with your own silver bullet.
"Innocents Betrayed has an important message for America. It shows why gun control must always be rejected, and it shows it very convincingly."
Rep. Ron Paul
U.S. Congressman, Texas, 14th District
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