JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
March 23, 2005 THE LATEST TOOL TO
FIGHT THE GUN-PROHIBITIONISTS!In early February, JPFO's Richard W. Stevens had the opportunity to present Innocents Betrayed to several groups in New York City at the behest of pro-rights activist Dr. Larry Parks. You can read about Richard's experience in the latest "Common Sense" column. At the conclusion of his speaking tour, Dr. Parks graciously invited Richard to appear as a guest on his weekly cable television program, "Extreme Consumer Advocacy," during which they discussed the key concepts in Innocents Betrayed.
As a result of these appearances, JPFO has come up with a package to make it easier to get our message out to your local television station. Our new 30-minute DVD, entitled Innocents Betrayed in New York, combines about 11 minutes of clips from Innocents Betrayed with extended interviews, including the discussions between Richard Stevens and Dr. Parks.
Now is not the time for gun owners to sit back and relax. As we documented in our March 2 alert , state-level gun-prohibitionists are proposing and enacting all manner of Orwellian anti-self-defense laws. Educating the public to the danger of such laws is our best defense, and getting our DVD on your local public access station is a great first step in winning hearts and minds. If enough local stations air it,we may even be able to get the full version of Innocents Betrayed on national television. Imagine the results of such a powerful message broadcast to millions!
Best of all, our new DVD is FREE with a JPFO membership or any other purchase over $20, or buy it by itself for just $4 (minimum $10 order for credit cards, please). Plus for a limited time, we're offering 3 DVDs for only $10. Go to to order one -- or more! -- today.
- The Liberty Crew
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