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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
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May 30, 2005

Mourning For a Lost Nation
And a Warning For Tyrants

On this Memorial Day holiday we honor those who died in America's wars. We mourn for them and we thank them.

But as the United States becomes more like the brutal police states we once fought, we also mourn for the loss of our freedoms. We mourn the loss of the great promise that once was America -- now betrayed by politicians, bureaucrats, thuggish enforcers, and uncaring citizens.

On this sad holiday, we urge you to take a moment to consider not only what we've lost, but why and how we've lost it. Consider, too, how we might get it back.

Please take time to do two things.

First, go to the JPFO web site and read (or re-read) "An Open Letter to Our Fathers and Grandfathers: You Won the Battle but Lost the War".

That article tells what we lost.

Second, go to the RebelFire site and listen to the song "Justice Day." You can also read the lyrics online. Both are free for download and sharing.

That song tells exactly what took our freedom away. And it hints at freedom's return.

While you're visiting RebelFire, you might also want to read (for free) the first four chapters of the novel from which the song comes. The book tells of the hopeful -- though also frightening -- day when our children, or our children's children, might be forced to begin the long struggle to take their freedom back.

On this holiday, of all holidays, stop to remember that freedom isn't free. But also remember that tyrants are never safe as long as even a few people keep the flame of liberty alive and are willing to act on freedom's behalf.

The Liberty Crew

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