JPFO Alerts![]()
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
August 18, 2005
Summer has nearly slipped past and many of our children are heading back to school. If you're like us, you worry about the kind of messages your kids might be getting in their classrooms:
- The government will provide for everyone.
- Guns are evil.
- "Security" and surveillance are for your own good.
- Every bad feeling is a mental illness.
- The world is so dangerous that you must give up your individual rights in order to preserve "freedom."
As conscientious parents, we must counteract such messages. I know most of us try. As school commences, The Liberty Crew would like to remind you of one simple way to send your teenagers a freedom message without having to resort to lectures or dull family sit-down discussions.
You can reinforce the freedom message powerfully, memorably and _enjoyably_ by giving a teenager a copy of the new novel RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone ( or Each copy comes with a CD containing two versions of a new rock song, "Justice Day."
To completely avoid any appearance of the dreaded parental lecture, give a copy of RebelFire via our anonymous "Secret Rebel" program (
This short (228-page) novel by Claire Wolfe and Aaron Zelman is packed with both adventure and meaning. It tells the story of Jeremy "Reb" Lawrence, an ordinary 16 year old with an extraordinary dream. The near-future America he lives in doesn't give him enough freedom to really live -- so, in an act of determined desperation, he struggles to take his freedom back (even though, at the beginning, he doesn't even understand the concept of freedom).
Jeremy's no superhero. He has no advantages. He's just a growing individual who refuses to accept the limitations of a growing police state.
Jeremy is a person your teenager would like to know. And he's a role model for every young person who faces a frightening future.
So when your child goes back to school, make sure there's one more book in his or her backpack: RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone. Your child will enjoy the book and music. And you can enjoy the results.
RebelFire: Out of the Gray Zone is just $17.95 postpaid with free two-song CD.
You can do more than just buy for your own child. Check out these quantity discounts:
- 3 copies $43.56 postpaid
- 6 copies $78.95 postpaid
- 12 copies $142.95 postpaid
Out of the Gray Zone is a natural for youth shooting groups, scout troops, 4H clubs, church youth groups, and any organization for teenagers. Contact us for promotional incentives for youth groups and other quantity discounts.
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