JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
September 15, 2005
President Bush is expected to deliver a speech tonight to "take responsibility" for some of the government blunders in dealing with Hurricane Katrina and the devastation of New Orleans. What we want to know is, will he even acknowledge the gross violations of the Second Amendment perpetrated in the storm's aftermath?
Will Mr. Bush - whose slim majority in the 2004 election is often attributed to the votes of gun owners - take responsibility for supporting the New Orleans police chief's decree that civilians would not be allowed to possess any weapons? Will he take responsibility for having federal agents like the US Marshals confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens, such as bar-owner JoAnn Guidos and her friends?
Will he take responsibility for the treatment of Patricia Konie, one elderly woman who was wrestled to the ground live on CNN by jackbooted California Highway Patrol officers because she dared to tell them that she had a gun and could take care of herself?
Will he take take responsibility for the helplessness of everyone who couldn't afford to hire professional mercenaries to protect their property? Those mercenaries were allowed to keep their weapons - are we to believe that this administration has taken a play from the liberals' book, and only the wealthy have the right to self-defense?
Will he take responsibility for the forcible disarming - to TSA standards no less - of the thousands of people who were imprisoned in the Superdome? How many of the people brutally assaulted there could have protected themselves had the National Guard not taken away their every potential self-defense tool?
Will he take responsibility for ensuring that the firearms confiscated by the soldiers and police officers are returned to their rightful owners? Or will the guns disappear into the private collections of these enforcers, as frequently happens?
But most importantly, will he take responsibility for the attempts at all levels of his administration to use this tragedy as an experiment in stripping away the civil rights that are the definition of freedom?
Will you take responsibility for that, Mr. Bush? Millions of gun owners will be listening for your answer tonight.
- The Liberty Crew
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