JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027
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November 4, 2005
Don't Forget Bill of Rights Day!
We're approaching December, and we all know what that means: Bill of Rights Day!
If you cherish your rights and freedoms as an American, you'll want to observe December 15, the special day that honors the foundation for them all. There are lots of ways to celebrate:
- Have a viewing of Bill of Rights or Bust in your home
- Write a letter to the editor (see example at )
- Ask your school or library to show Bill of Rights or Bust
- Sponsor a Bill of Rights Day writing contestYou can find more ways to mark this day by going to , as well as sample letters, op-eds, and more. We've also updated our Bill of Rights Day Kit ( ), which includes our new film, Bill of Rights or Bust ( ). Bill of Rights or Bust has been getting rave reviews since it was released:
"Bill of Rights or Bust is a high quality production and a no nonsense teaching tool all in one. This video is a reaffirmation for those who know their rights and a wake up call for the masses who only think they know." (Rob Walker, Shotgun News)
"There is nothing more important than teaching Americans about the Bill of Rights, and the visual power of film makes [Bill of Rights or Bust] an entertaining vehicle for that lesson. [It] should be required viewing in our schools." (Mara Wallis, director, Entertaining Vietnam)
"This documentary is an excellent work designed to make Americans aware of the rights they have.... This country has a serious problem of people being ignorant about their hard-won rights. The Constitution, with the Bill of Rights, is no longer taught in most public schools. It is the hope of Second Amendment Sisters that this excellent work by JPFO will be placed and used in schools nation-wide, so that an informed discussion can begin." (Marinelle Thompson, Second Amendment Sisters)
"Bill of Rights or Bust is a refreshing look at what too many Americans have forgotten about or maybe never even learned. This DVD is a powerful educational tool that needs to be in every school in America. Please buy a copy today, because America's future depends on it." (Tim Schmidt, United States Concealed Carry Association)
"Bill of Rights or Bust is a great teaching tool. Schools seldom require knowledge of this bedrock of restraint on government power. This fills a big void. Show it to the kids and grandchildren." (Larry Pratt, Gun Owners of America)
Celebrating Bill of Rights Day encourages awareness of our precious national heritage, the Bill of Rights. If you want to eliminate "gun control," invasions of your privacy, and draconian government agencies, then help us bring back a Bill of Rights culture in America. You can still obtain Bill of Rights or Bust for just $19.95 by visiting .
- The Liberty Crew
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