JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
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December 7, 2005
Remembering Pearl Harbor
December 7 marks the anniversary of the "day of infamy" of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. This was the event that catapulted the United States into joining World War II.
Despite the tragedy, there was still a great deal of resistance to the war among the American public. Consequently, in the early 1940's, filmmaker Frank Capra was recruited to produce a series of pro-war films entitled, "Why We Fight". The essential message of the films was that there were evil people who wanted to destroy the American way of life. In fighting these fascists, America was defending its culture, its principles, and its freedom.
Unfortunately, if we compare Capra's 1942 to today's 2005, it becomes painfully apparent that we have lost the culture, principles, and freedom World War II soldiers fought to defend. The Bill of Rights has been methodically shredded, and many of the very evils that Capra highlighted have taken root here in our own country.
Unless we are able to re-establish a Bill of Rights culture in America, the dead of Pearl Harbor (indeed, all of World War II dead) will have died in vain. The principles they fought for have been subverted from within, and it is our obligation as Americans to remedy that. We owe it to our veterans to bring back a Bill of Rights Culture. Doing so is the best thing we can do to honor and remember them.
It's not too late to send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper encouraging everyone to remember Bill of Rights Day on December 15. You can download a sample letter from Please remember our veterans today, and recognize their sacrifice by honoring Bill of Rights Day.
All the Bill of Rights, for all citizens.
- The Liberty Crew
PS You can order Capra's "Why We Fight" films from the D-Day Museum (, phone (504) 527-6012)
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