"Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes was wrong. You have an
absolute and perfect right to shout 'Fire!' in a crowded theater --
and to accept responsibility for the consequences." (Alexander
Hope in _Hope_)
The defining charactistic of Alexander Hope in the novel _Hope_
is his absolute commitment to upholding the Bill of Rights. The Bill
of Rights is a list of absolute do-not-cross-this-line rules for the
federal government, and it differentiates America from every other
country in the world.
Our latest Concealed Carry Magazine column explains how a "Bill
of Rights" test, or BORT, can protect not just gun owners' rights,
but the rights of all Americans. Simply put, for any government law,
program, or policy, just ask the question: “Does this violate
the Bill of Rights?” Any law or policy that violates any element
of the Bill of Rights must be rejected. If a candidate stands for
ideas that would violate the Bill of Rights, that candidate is no
friend of freedom.
The BORT is not a liberal or conservative approach. It is a distinctly
American approach that can bear fruit for gun owners and all citizens.
Go to www.jpfo.org/ccm200704.pdf to
read more about it.
- The Liberty Crew