/ filegen-a-m / freedom-flyer.htm

The Freedom Flyer
23 years of JPFO fighting for your freedoms




Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership is glad to announce the updated "Freedom Flyer" which can be obtained in PDF form for printing, link is shown below.  It will tell you much about the history of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership and we would remind readers of an interview between our late founder Aaron Zelman, and JPFO contributor Kirby Ferris.

The Flyer shows a chonological listing of JPFO's history, growth and its many outstanding achievements. The list is perhaps in many ways a definitive collection of most of the critical key subjects and pages within the hundreds of files JPFO has made over time and so is a valuable starting point for new visitors as well as those who come often. Below this chronological Flyer listing is a section of further important site links.


The updated Freedom Flyer is available to download as a PDF file
(The original Freedom Flyer from 2009 is still available.)

Links for the JPFO Freedom Flyer.  JPFO 1989 — 2011
JPFO is launched. The site began 1999 and has passed 2 million vists to its homepage during the late summer of 2009 since when by late November it has risen to 2,037,000
Theodore Haas interview in American Survival Guide (This interview gave JPFO some serious momentum, because up until that time there were no Holocaust survivors speaking out against “gun control”.)
Reprint of JPFO article “Seven Types of Gun Control Advocates” by Gus Cotey in American Survival Guide (To this day, one of the most insightful essays ever written on the mentality of the gun prohibitionists. Understand our enemy.)
A key interview in American Survival Guide gives JPFO much wider exposure.
Published “Gun Control Gateway to Tyranny” (A landmark work that irrefutably shows the Nazi roots of GCA ’68 - revised in 2006)
Guns and Ammo Magazine article on JPFO and the Nazi roots of GCA ’68 (Brought JPFO and this subject into the “mainstream” of alert American gun owners.)
“The U.S. vs. Miller Revisited” by Richard Stevens Attorney at Law (What this 1939 Supreme Court case said, and, as importantly, did not say, about an armed citizenry.)
“The Battle of Athens” in Guns and Ammo Magazine (Americans have had to take up arms to defend the Bill of Rights … in 1946.)
“Gran’pa Jack” series of educational comic books Vols. 1-8 (More than a million in circulation.)
“Bill of Rights Day” (JPFO becomes the first pro gun organization to aggressively promote “Bill of Rights Day”)
Published “Dial 911 and Die” by Richard Stevens, Attorney at Law (The police have absolutely no duty to protect you.)
July 1999, the web site is launched
Published “Raging Against Self Defense” by Dr. Sarah Thompson (The deepest motivations of the victim disarmament mentality. Understand your enemy.)
JPFO translates the Bill of Rights into fifteen languages (Helping non English speakers understand the core values of America.)
Published “The State vs. The People – The Rise of the American Police State.” With Claire Wolfe (How “public safety” is always the cover for oppression.)
Published “Death By Gun Control”. (Every major genocide of the 20th Century was preceded by gun confiscation.)
Reintroduced “Nazi Death Camps” (45 min. film) (What the Allied forces saw and flmed.)
Produced “Innocents Betrayed”. (1 hour flm) (“Gun control” and genocide. The irrefutable, horrific connection.)
Produced “BATFE Fails the Test” (90 min. film) (Watch the blatant dishonesty of this criminal, rogue agency.)
Produced “Bill of Rights or Bust” (22 min. film) (Americans have something no one else has. It is precious.)
Published “RebelFire – Out of the Gray Zone” (A freedom novel.)
Launched “Talkin’ to America” (A podcast series featured on the JPFO website featuring interviews with important people who are defending the Second Amendment.)
Congressional Research Service report on ATF’s phony testing procedures (CRS used JPFO’s research to prepare their report to the Congress.)
Created “Goody Guns” (Cookies shaped like guns. Teaching safe firearms handling, and driving the gun haters crazy.)
Produced “The Gang” (90 min film) (The BATFE: Jack booted thugs running their crimes and schemes and scams on your tax dollars.)
Heller vs. District of Columbia. Contributed an “amicus curae” brief to the U.S. Supreme Court. (Five to four vote in favor of the individual right to own a gun. Did JPFO tip the balance in our favor? We’ll never know.)
An interview with Edwin Vieira regarding the upcoming Heller decision (A somber examination from a veteran Constitutional attorney.)
Produced “2A Today For the U.S.A.” (20 min. award winning film) (This film is an effective tool to help gun owners introduce non gun owners to the Second Amendment.)
Produced “No Guns for Negroes” (20 min. film) (The first “gun control” in America was instituted against freed black slaves. See how African-American support for “gun control” is foolish and dangerous.)
Produced “The Ten Commandments of Self Defense” by Rabbi Dovid Bendory (CD and annotated text. An Orthodox rabbi explains Torah Law (Old Testament) to prove that we have an obligation to defend our lives, and those of the innocent. Which should we obey? G-d’s* Law or man’s law?) *Jews do not spell out the name of the Almighty in secular texts.
"No Guns For Jews" - JPFO produces "No Guns for Jews". This ground breaking documentary explains how Jews have been victimized by disarmament for centuries, and carefully examines the Jewish religious teachings that demand the righteous defense of one's self and the innocent. This film is changing the way people, especially Jews, view gun ownership. It features JPFO's Rabbinic Director, Rabbi Dovid Bendory.
JPFO receives a Bronze Telly Award and a Silver Communicator Award for its ground breaking self-defense documentary, "No Guns for Jews".

December 21, 2010, Aaron Zelman, founder of JPFO and its visionary director for 21 years,
passes on from this world. May his memory be for a blessing.


One of the problems in a site now 12 years old is that of navigation. In JPFO's early days, pages tended to ''happen'' and were probably well linked at the time, but with now over 2,500 pages on the site much material is somewhat ''buried" and some is outdated, complete with dead links.

The above chronology helps to put many important links together and numerous pages have now been updated - an ongoing task.  There are however many other pages of great importance and so the list below has been made to further expand options for finding those.

In the header links menu bar be sure to also check out the "Site Links various" and also the "BoR Page Index" - these among others help bring access to the most important material. Another good research tool is the search feature, plus a browse of our Alerts Archive which will also bring up a lot.

Further important and informative links
A tribute to JPFO's Founder, Aaron Zelman.  Passed away December 21st 2010.
A description of the two main goals of JPFO.
A hard look at the factors behind why so many Jews are anti gun.
This page provides the information needed to join and support JPFO.  There is a form available for mailing in or an option to join on line securely.
Where JPFO has a selection of books, videos and numerous other items for sale.
A useful transcript of the Bill of Rights.
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms - Report, 97th Congress, Second Session Feb 1982
Six vital things Americans should know about the Second Amendment.
Sources on the Second Amendment and Rights to Keep and Bear Arms in State Constitutions.
Frederick Bastiat's acclaimed work on the law and government. PDF file.
JPFO's main page dedicated to the battle against BATFE's criminality and abuses.
A page dedicated to material concerning BATFE's unlawful gun registration method.
Details covering the connection between the 1968 gun control act and Nazi gun laws of 1938.
A page with information and links on various JPFO book and video publications.
Free handbills for people to print out and distribute widely, all with an important message.
A collection of open letters both from JPFO and others. Includes other interesting letters.
A review and information about our current corporate sponsors.


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