Many of our readers have been following the saga of Red's Trading
Post, Idaho's oldest gun store. Targeted by the BATFE, who exaggerated
minor paperwork errors in an effort to shut down the business, Red's
won an injunction to keep their business running (
Now Talkin' to America interviews owner Ryan Horsley, who talks about
the business and his experiences with the BATFE. The interview is
available for download in MP3 format at
, with a transcript expected next week.
Download and listen to our interview today for another example of
why we must abolish "The Gang" (
- The Liberty Crew
PS: A reminder to our paid members -- we are sending a mailing to
all JPFO members soon. Please notify us if you have moved since the
November of 2006 so we can keep our database up to date and you will
receive future mailings. Contact us at
or call (800) 869-1884 .