Our latest article, "'Gun Control' Isn't Charity, It's Theft"
by writer J. Shaftoe, is now available on our website at www.jpfo.org/gcistheft.htm
. In it, Shaftoe makes the logical argument that giving Tzedakah (charity)
to "gun control" groups is neither useful nor productive.
It is in fact theft.
We urge our supporters to print out a copy of this article (available
in pdf format at www.jpfo.org/gcistheft.pdf
) and give it to your Jewish friends and associates who donate to
"gun control" groups.
While this article is a useful tool for reaching out to non-gun owners,
we feel that our best chance at destroying the "gun control"
demon is to reach out to other gun owners. There are over 100 million
of us in the US alone. Compare that to a few hundred anti-gunners
in Congress and 2300 BATFE agents enforcing "gun control"
legislation. Our documentary _The Gang_ is designed specifically to
accomplish this task and reach out to firearms owners. Go to www.thegangmovie.com
or www.jpfo.org/thegang.htm
for more information.
We must mobilize gun owners to act together to win this battle for
our rights. If we are successful, we will no longer have to fear "gun
control" groups and their lobbyists. And we will return to a
Bill of Rights Culture.
- The Liberty Crew