The latest article in the L. Neil Smith series
"Wouldn't It Be Nice" is now available
. Entitled "A Time for Choices" this article
covers incidents in America's past that shouldn't
-- and wouldn't -- be permitted within a Bill of
Rights Culture. Incidents like the infamous Sullivan
Act. Or the 1968 Gun Control Act, which plagiarized
Nazi law and enlarged the monstrous BATFE. Smith
also discusses what we can do NOW to help promote
a Bill of Rights culture today.
If you'd like to read the rest of the series, or all of our articles
by L. Neil Smith, visit
to view them all. The author of 27 books, including the novel Hope
( ) --
which he co-authored with JPFO's own Aaron Zelman -- L. Neil Smith
has been writing about guns and gun ownership for more than 30 years.
- The Liberty Crew