That JPFO and the NRA have different views on "gun
control" is no secret; you can read our position
-- and view supporting evidence -- at
. You can also read an article on the NRA's recent
alignment with gun-prohibitionist Carolyn McCarthy
And now, NRA Director Joaquin Jackson has publically stated that
magazine capacities should be limited to five rounds and that "assault
weapons [sic] should be limited to military or police."
That's right -- a director of the supposedly pro-gun NRA wants to
take YOUR semi-automatic rifles away.
Don't believe us? Think it's just a rumor? View the evidence for
yourself at
(we also have it mirrored on the JPFO site at
Already the NRA apologists are coming out of the woodwork. Anyone
who points out the hypocrisy of Jackson's position are denounced
as "wackos", "black helicopter paranoids," and
"just trying to make a buck."
It's time to "Humiliate and Repudiate" Joaquin Jackson
and the NRA. Go to
to see our latest handbill. Print it out and distribute it to those
who still believe the NRA is working in the interest of gun owners.
They are not.
If you value the truth more than betrayal and want an aggressive
defense of your natural and Second Amendment rights, visit
to learn how you can join JPFO. We encourage you to use our "gun
control" destroying books and videos (
) and get on board with us today.
- The Liberty Crew
PS Don't forget that you can view all our "Humiliate and Repudiate"
handbills at