Let us remember Veteran's Day on the 11th but also
as we do so, be aware of the need to be broad in
our acceptance of all faiths and ethnicities within
our fighting forces. February this year 2007 marked
the 62nd anniversary of the beginning of the battle
for Iwo Jima, in which some 1,500 Marines were Jewish.
After the battle was over, Rabbi Gittelsohn who
was awarded three service ribbons, was asked to
deliver a memorial sermon by his friend the Division
Chaplain. The majority of Christian Chaplains were
however against this, objecting to a Rabbi preaching
over predominantly Christian graves. Gittelsohn,
not wishing to embarass his friend decided to not
preach then after all.
He did however deliver his now famous eulogy to
a modest audience of about 70 attendees, including
three protestant chaplains who boycotted their own
service in opposition to bigotry. On this Veteran's
day we ask you to go and view the page in this link
- http://www.jewsingreen.com/home/weblog/comments/the_jews_of_iwo_jima/
- and enjoy the stirring words which are as relevant
now as they were then.
The Liberty Crew
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