December 5th 2013

Your Rights: They're for EVERY Day of the Year

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December 15 is Bill of Rights Day. That's always a big event on the JPFO calendar. Why? Because even though we focus on the 2nd Amendment, we know (and we want everybody to know) that the 2nd protects all the freedoms expressed in that vital document.

This year we'd like you to think about some numbers. On 12/15/13 it will be 222 years since those 10 amazing amendments became the law of the land. 2014 will also be JPFO's 25th year of holocaust prevention and freedom promotion. But the important number to think about is this one: 365.

Yes, 365 -- ALL the days of the year. Because that's when the Bill of Rights matters. It matters every day that you're free to post on a blog or plink at the local quarry. It matters every time you practice your religion or have to face a judge. It matters because the inborn rights of the People trump all the powers of government -- even in dark days when tyranny looms.

The Bill of Rights will matter to you all through 2014 and all the days of your life. And your children's and grandchildren's lives. Because freedom always matters, and matters most of all when powerful forces are trying to take it away.

It's crucial to know what is in the Bill of Rights and why it's in there. That's why JPFO offers such a wealth of information. That's why we print the BoR in 15 languages. That's why our friendly Gran'pa Jack explains in booklet #3 of that popular series that "It's Common Sense!" to use the Bill of Rights. Because only by understanding freedom can we hope to keep it.

That's also why we'd like you to have your own Bill of Rights Day Kit. So you can have all the knowledge you need, right at your fingertips. And then you can spread the word!

Bill of Rights Day 2013 is coming right up. Then Bill of Rights Day 2014 will be -- yep! -- 365 days beyond. Use that time to make yourself a stronger advocate for the BoR and a stronger advocate for FREEDOM.

You already know and support the 2nd Amendment. Now support all the freedoms that the 2nd Amendment protects. If you're not already a member, join JPFO TODAY and do even more to support freedom and educate others!

Have a great Bill of Rights Day -- and Bill of Rights Year.
Your future depends on it.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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