A major tenet for Democrats at the state and federal level is gun control, and one would not be wrong for observing that the kind of gun control pushed is often similar -- if not identical -- to past or existing gun controls that have failed to deliver the reduction in death and violence promised.
In other words, the gun controls pushed in one state are often simply a recycled version of gun controls that are failing in another. The same thing can be said of federal gun control efforts, where the gun control specifics pushed by Representatives, Senators, and President Obama are often demonstrable failures before they are fully introduced.
Here are five of the worst gun control proposals regularly recycled and put forward at the state and/or federal level: Hollow-Point Ammunition Ban, "Assault Weapons" Ban, "High-Capacity" Magazine Ban, Universal Background Checks and Gun-Free Zones. (Read the full details) .......
No great surprises here in as much as we have "same old, same old" but, Hawkins looks usefully in detail at each category. The main point to note is how little previous attempts to implement such restrictions have decreased cases of violence involving shootings, and it is fair to say that further "controls" along such lines will continue to yield zero benefits. Rather, they will as always penalize good people.
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