In 2016, SB 1736/HB2033 was passed in the Tennessee legislature. The bill was an attempt to hold businesses that chose to ban defensive firearms from their premises responsible for damages. That was a step to far for the Tennessee legislature. The bill was cut back to say that businesses that did not ban firearms would be immune from lawsuit for actions that resulted from their lack of a ban.
In Missouri, Representative Schroer has introduced a bill, HB 96, that is very similar to the original HB 2033 in Tennessee.
The proposal, known as House Bill 96, which would apply when a person who is authorized to carry a firearm, is prohibited from doing so by a business and is then injured by another person or an animal.
If the injured person could otherwise have used a gun for self-defense, they could sue the business, which “assume(s) custodial responsibility for the safety and defense of any person” on their property who could carry.
Early days for this bill as it has only just been introduced. However, should it follow through and be passed it certainly could radically reduce the numbers of 'gun-free-zones' within commercial enterprizes. It would not of course affect locations controlled by federal statute for 'no guns' but any move towards reducing at least some 'gun-free-zones' is welcome. Some other states should pay attention to this but in some cases we won't be holding our breath!
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