"What if we took some of the fear and desire for safety that animates the call for extreme vetting of refugees from the Middle East and turned that energy into a call for extreme vetting of those who want to purchase firearms?" chicagotribune.com columnist Eric Zorn asks. And the answer is . . .
Hawaii. A state so zealous in its vetting procedures that it hasn't issued a concealed carry license since the year 2000. (Say aloha to gun rights in the Aloha State.) New York City is similarly "extreme," saving concealed carry licenses for celebrities and wealthy, politically connected residents (e.g., President Trump). New Jersey? Same difference.
Mr. Zorn's call for "extreme vetting" for all gun purchases and transfers reflects his inability to separate wishful thinking -- a hope that "keeping guns out of the wrong hands" would reduce Chicago's carnage -- from the proven reality of its implementation (disarming law-abiding citizens). So we could call him a misguided fantasist. But what are we to make of this?
"Keeping guns out of the wrong hands" is one of the 'gun-control' advocates classics - along with "keeping guns off the streets". As usual proposals reflect Second Amendment infringement, with little or no effect on the criminal gun user as they pretend to promote 'gun safety'. Much of this is just a broken record, but despite lack of logic it just continues on and on.
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