The South Dakota Senate Judiciary Committee passed the current “permitless” or Constitutional carry bill, HB 1072 on March 1, 2017. The next stop for the bill is in the full Senate. The bill has already passed the House of Representatives on February 23. From
House Bill 1072 passed the state House of Representatives last Thursday by a vote of 37 to 30.
In South Dakota, no state permits are required to possess a gun. According to the South Dakota Firearm Laws, “A person does not need a permit to own a pistol, keep it in his home, business, or property, or visibly carry it.”
A permit is currently required, however, to carry a firearm hidden by a coat or in a purse. Concealed carry permits can be obtained from the sheriff in the county a resident lives in.
Supporters of the bill say it’s a Constitutional right to carry a gun even if concealed, while those opposed believe it provides too much freedom and could pose a safety risk.
At the end of February, 2017, South Dakota has 92,850 active carry permits. From
At the end of February, there were 92,850 active regular and enhanced permits in South Dakota, according to the Secretary of State’s office. In 2016, 1,460 new enhanced permits were issued.
South Dakota has a population of 868,799 in early 2017. Permit holders are about 10.7% of the total population, and over 25% of the number of people who voted in 2016.
Constitutional or “permitless” carry will likely pass the senate. The senate has 27 Republicans and 8 Democrats. But Governor Dennis Daugaard has said that he will veto the bill.
On paper this is very encouraging, except for "the Governor factor". Alabama has a 2A friendly Governor in Robert Bentley (R) who should sign, however, gun-hating South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard (R) has made it plain he will veto any Constitutional Carry bill. It can only be hoped that a veto can find enough votes to achieve nullification. Progress nationwide these days is encouraging and there are now all but 25% of states doing the right thing -- it is hoped momentum can be maintained if not increased.
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