"When I need expertise and calm, rational advice on firearms and accessories I look to New Yorkers for solutions," said no one ever.
U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), representatives from law enforcement, and gun violence prevention advocates today vowed to block an effort currently underway in Congress to make it easier for criminals to obtain gun silencers. Gillibrand said she would fight against legislation introduced earlier this year in the Senate (S.59) and House of Representatives (H.R. 367) to eliminate gun silencers from the requirements of the National Firearms Act, making it easier for criminals to obtain these deadly weapons, making it harder and more dangerous for law enforcement to catch criminals.
None of the fear-mongering above is true.
Uninformed and fear-mongering untruths -- so typical of the anti-rights people. At the very least, this lady could try and support her mission with some cold hard facts but, no, it is the usual gut emotion approach. It is quite likely that her thinking is skewed by Hollywood, where the silencer (suppressor) is portrayed as the ultimate assassination tool, whereas in fact for a legal defensive firearm it simply adds size and mass. Hysteria still seems to rule the day!
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