It is one of the most well-worn tactics of those who advocate for gun control. Step one, acquire statistics on firearms injuries among children ages 0-14. Step two, combine these relatively low numbers with the far greater numbers of firearms injuries involving juveniles and young adults ages 15-19. Step three, present the resulting statistics as the shocking number of "children" (ages 0-19) who are subjected to "gun violence" each day/week/month/year. Step four, use the disingenuous statistics to advocate for handgun bans/registration and licensing/storage restrictions.
This week's iteration of this ploy comes courtesy of a team of researchers who presented their work at the 2017 Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, held May 6-9 in San Francisco, Calif. Titled, "Pediatric Hospitalizations due to Firearm Injuries in the U.S. in 2012," the chief conclusion of the report is the researchers' contention that 16 children are hospitalized each day for firearms injuries.
The "children approach" is one of the old favorites to use by ''gun control'' advocates... and as usual depends on exaggeration of figures to suit a purpose. Let's not forget that when it comes to children being admitted to hospital with firearms injuries - in a great many cases these can be the result of gang related gun fights... something that is sadly unlikely to change any time soon.
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