Of all the arguments the gun control agenda makes, "it's for the children" is the one that infuriates me most. Rather than actually teaching gun safety, they dance around the issue, masking their true agenda by repeating talking points and failing to acknowledge that nobody does more to promote gun safety than the firearms industry.
Which is exactly why the following Tweet from the gun control group 'GunsDown America' caught my attention: (Twitter exchange follows) -
Jenn Jacques patiently tries to counter the anti-gun attack by a 'GunsDown' individual -- who follows the almost predictable approach we are used to. If in doubt, bring up the children theme. Rarely if ever does an anti-gun proponent acknowledge that perhaps education on guns and safety with children just might be a way to go with reducing incidents of gun 'accidents'. As Jenn comments - "There you have it: guns are the problem. Period. End of story."
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