You probably know Ladd Everitt as the now-former director of communications for the unhinged fringe anti-gun group, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. They're the crazier, even-more-hoplophobic cousins that more "respectable" anti-RKBA groups like Everytown and the fading Brady Campaign don't talk about much.
Or that's how the CSGV was while Everitt was there. He's now the director of something called One Pulse For America (an anti-gun group "dedicated to closing the 'Passion Gap' with pro-gun activists"), founded by George Takei after the Orlando nightclub terrorist massacre, that operates without a working website. Hey, no one says bootstrapping social change is easy, amirite?
Anyway, Everitt published a recent open letter to the throngs of America's liberal progressive gun owners, now that we're living in an age of concentration camps, gulags and forced re-education centers here in what was once known as the US of A.
Nievity and classic progressive thinking are the order of the day, including assumptions which ignore the fact that most attacks occur in seconds. We can add to that another assumption which is that the NRA is the great demon and that any gun owner must by default be a racist and homophobic white supremacist. Perhaps the likes of Everitt also always forget or choose to ignore, the risks from the illegally armed criminal goons as well.
For your amusement -- Will the gun commit a crime?.
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