Back when Mark Glaze was executive director of Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, he went to great lengths to portray his master's anti-gun positions as moderate. Glaze used the typical gun control advocate refrain that his groups were merely seeking "common sense" gun laws.
The anti-gun campaigner used every opportunity to remind his audience that he was from Colorado and the son of a licensed firearms dealer. When discussing Colorado's magazine ban and private transfer restrictions in 2014, Glaze assured that the laws improved safety, but that the "Second Amendment is going to be protected."
Earlier this month, Glaze finally dropped all pretense of moderation and acknowledged his and his associates' radical anti-gun goals. Writing on behalf of a new gun control group called Guns Down, Glaze endorsed mandatory firearm owner licensing, alluded to a "government buy-back" for commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, and called for restrictions that would prevent even the law-abiding from accessing guns.
Among all the rhetoric spouted by anti-gun proponents, "common sense gun laws" seems to be one of the favorites. This usually is to mask their real goals of disarmament while making it sound innocuous and "feel good"... deception is the approach and intended to influence the uninformed. To those we would suggest reading - "The seven varieties of Gun Control" and, "The psychological problems of gun haters". These might help explain the mindsets we have to deal with.
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